BROOKE WILLIAMS has spent thirty years advocating for wildness, most recently with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and as the Executive Director of the Murie Center in Moose, Wyoming. He holds an MBA in Sustainable Business from the Bainbridge Graduate Institute and a Biology degree from the University of Utah. He’s written four books including Halflives: Reconciling Work and Wildness, and dozens of articles. He is involved in The Great West Institute, a think tank exploring expansion and innovation in the conservation movement and is currently working on a book about ground-truthing. Read Brooke’s post, Richard Jefferies and the Role of the Dead, on the Huffington Post Books blog.
TERRY TEMPEST WILLIAMS is the author of fourteen books including Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place; and most recently, The Hour of Land. She is the recipient of John Simon Guggenheim and Lannan Literary Fellowships in creative nonfiction. Her work has been anthologized and translated worldwide.
Terry and Brooke have been married since 1975. They live with their dogs in Jackson, Wyoming, and Castle Valley, Utah.
JOHN RICHARD JEFFERIES (1848 – 1887) was a British novelist and essayist who helped pioneer the field of modern nature writing. Jefferies described the English countryside with an intimate vividness and expansive passion that inspired both his contemporaries and later writers.