We are interested in great writing that engages intimately with place, the natural world, or issues that link the American West and the future of the ever-changing Earth. We're particularly drawn to work in which landscape and environmental issues are drivers of idea development, plot, or character.
BIPOC writers, LGBTQ+ writers, and disabled writers are especially encouraged to submit. And, because climate justice is inherently intersectional and generational, we also encourage Millennial and Gen Z writers of all identities and backgrounds to submit.
Torrey House Press publishes 8-12 titles per year. We are currently accepting submissions for:
fiction, including literary fiction, YA, and genre (mystery; thriller/horror; cli-fi; Indigenous futurism; afrofuturism; magical realism; fantasy; historical; romance; or nontraditional western, e.g. contemporary, urban, queer, etc.);
full-length short story collections;
creative nonfiction and narrative nonfiction including literary journalism;
a graphic novel about the Lahontan cutthroat trout;
investigative nonfiction and character-driven fiction about the evils of cattle on public lands and/or how the unsustainable water usage for alfalfa farming is probably damning us all;
essay collections; and
the occasional anthology, memoir, poetry collection, or full-length graphic novel.
THP does not currently publish or accept submissions for children’s books (middle grade, early readers, or picture books).
Please see below for our specific submission guidelines.
A successful submission will reflect an understanding of the Torrey House mission and our titles. Please note that we only accept submissions through our online submissions manager and that submissions lacking all requested material will not be considered. For fiction, short story collections, memoir, and essay collections, please submit full manuscripts. For narrative nonfiction/literary journalism, please submit a query first and a full proposal upon request.
We do our best to review submissions within four to six months, though our response time may be longer in some instances. We understand what it’s like to await a response, and we appreciate your patience. Phone calls, emails, or letters of inquiry will not hasten the process.
for fiction, short story collections, memoir, and essay/poetry collections
Please include all of the following items in a single Word document:
A brief overview of your book (1-2 paragraphs; i.e. “the pitch”)
A detailed outline/synopsis of the full manuscript, covering all major plot, character, and thematic developments (i.e. ALL the spoilers)
How your submission fits with the mission and values of Torrey House Press
Your bio, plus any additional information we should know about your background, expertise, network, public profile, etc.
Marketing and readership development information such as:
Your target audience (be specific)
Comparable titles that illustrate the reader’s experience of your manuscript
Any special publicity/sales potential (e.g. events where attendees will be interested in you as a speaker)
for narrative nonfiction
Please submit a one- to two-page detailed overview of your book idea along with information about yourself, why you are qualified to write on the subject, who your audience is, and how you propose to market your work. If we think there is a reasonable chance that we might pursue your book, we will request a full proposal.
for nonfiction, upon request
Please include the following items in a single Word document:
A cover letter
A resume
A preliminary table of contents
A one- or two-paragraph summary of each chapter
Marketing research such as:
Descriptions of other books on the same or similar topic and an explanation of why your book is different
Any special sales potential
Events where attendees will be interested in you as a speaker
Your target audience (be specific)
Biographical material, expanded from that in the query letter
Any completed sample chapters
Thank you for your interest in Torrey House Press.
Torrey House Press submissions are currently open.
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