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I’m laying here in the in-between of suns beginning to spin thoughts in the moon sunk hours unraveling, my loose threads tangle in tiny...
Lexi Burt
Mar 30, 2022

A Gondola is the Wrong Choice for Little Cottonwood
I have vivid memories from childhood of driving up Little Cottonwood Canyon and entering a new, magical world filled with rustling...
Emma Johnson
Feb 24, 2022

The desert is ruthlessly balanced in its extremes, carrying life in a brutal but perfect homeostasis. Suspended in the swinging pendulum...
Maya Kobe-Rundio
Jan 27, 2022

“Staying with the trouble” on Planet (i)
No matter where you live, I can bet you have experienced climate change in some form—warmer winters, strange storms—or at the very least,...
Hannah Taub
Dec 29, 2021

From a Front Porch
I live on the second floor of a century-old brick house in the avenues of Salt Lake City, a recent transplant from the valleys of Western...
Morgan Coyro-Lawrence
Oct 27, 2021

A John Muir Trail Poem
Live your life as if it were impossible to fail, said a warrior-poet on the John Muir Trail. I’m a meal for mosquitos, an ape without a...
James Collector
Sep 30, 2021

So Plainly Marvelous: Mary Oliver and My Search for the Sublime
My relationship with the great outdoors hasn’t always been easy. As a young teenager, stepping into the elements made my face swell up...
Abby Larkins
Aug 26, 2021

Running Into Wealth
Ua lawa mākou i ka pōhaku I ka ʻai kamahaʻo o ka ʻāina We are satisfied with the stones Astonishing food of the land - Ellen...
Hokulani Rivera
May 17, 2021

Wild Dandelions
At eight years old, I memorized the worn stone pathway of my elementary school’s garden. It swirled up and down, up and down and then up...
Jen Molina
Mar 24, 2021

In Consideration of This Connection of Everyone With Lungs
At some point in college, a friend passed off a book of poems to me: This Connection of Everyone with Lungs by Juliana Spahr. I’ve...
Madeline Bavley
Feb 25, 2021

Pigeon Burial
Looking at the ground as I walked home from school, one of the last things I expected to see out of the corner of my eye was a large,...
Anne Whitehouse
Jan 27, 2021

A Story of Water
I lingered in my mother’s womb a week longer than I was supposed to, according to the medical professionals. In my culture, we frown...
Amber Aumiller
Nov 23, 2020
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